The Virtual Office began as a part-time covid-19 project for a professional engineer located in the south west of england. when it became clear that the pandemic would result in hard times financially, the project began to have a greater significance with the potential of helping many people manage their finances. with inflation rising and a substantial increase in the cost of living, that insight is proving to be very true. it took a year to develop the virtual office and another year to fully test all the functionality with more than 150 accounts entered. the virtual office has proven to be very stable and robust and the benefits have exceeded all expectations. There is no other solution quite like it and now available to everyone to use when needed more than ever.
The Virtual Office initially comprised of two separate spreadsheets. One managing the accounts and the other the budget. The opportunity to combine the two was eventually realised early on in the design process and has resulted in a more powerful product that achieves many different objectives at the same time. Creating a budget from the account information is remarkably easy and much quicker than ever anticipated. The connectivity between the two is a real asset and now available for everyone else to use!