the virtual office

If the answer to any of the questions below is ‘yes’, then you might be interested in the virtual office

  • do you use the same password for different accounts leaving yourself more susceptible to cyber-attacks?

  • do you sometimes forget or lose your username & password?

  • Do you need a budget to plan for those unexpected costs each year?

  • are you saving enough money for your future plans?

  • would you like to feel more in control with less time spent managing your accounts?

Virtual Office

An interactive MS Excel repository for all those usernames, passwords and web addresses that helps avoid using the same password. A structured and easy to navigate summary of accounts with a scheduling tool that will always put yourself in control with minimum effort. Finally, a powerful budgeting tool that will help plan for those unexpected costs and a future worth saving for.

Instruction Manual

The complimentary Instruction Manual contains 39 pages of information that helps explain the Virtual Office and how to obtain the most from it. It explains in detail how to set-up the accounts and budget with useful tips and a troubleshooting guide. A must have if purchasing the Virtual Office or trying to decide if the Virtual Office is the right solution for you.

Main Menu


Summary of Accounts

Individual Account

“Preparing my tax return was a whole new experience. what typically took all evening, including the printing of paperwork, resulted in no paper and a fraction of the time.”

What people are saying about the Virtual Office…

“The individual accounts do take time to set-up, but once up and running very little effort is needed and the rewards are priceless.”

“creating a budget was so much easier and quicker than I expected.”

“I never expected the Virtual Office to be so easy to use. It provides peace of mind. I don’t know how I ever managed without the scheduling tool!”

There has never been a better time to create a budget with increasing costs and high inflation. The Virtual Office might just be the perfect solution!

No annual license fees. The Virtual Office package is paid for when purchased the first time. It may be used year after year at no further cost. All that is needed is a computer and a copy of Microsoft Excel.

The Virtual Office is designed for use by a basic Excel user. No intermediate or advanced Excel skills are required. All functions are macro driven to make the Virtual Office much easier to use. It means that any task is made so much easier and finding information so much quicker.

Although the Virtual Office is designed to be a paperless and virtual product, it does have pre-formatted reports that may be printed when required either for an individual account, a list of accounts, or the budget report. Even the ‘Help’ information with a list of macros and data entry descriptions may be printed.